It all started when…

Block1912 was bought, and the new owner knew she needed a social media manager for the staple in the community.

First, we started out by bringing a huge project intro Block1912 early into the Pandemic in 2020 to try to keep customers engaged in the community. Because our founder, Kai-Lee Worsley was born and raised in low income housing, she felt like this was the perfect space to help kids from her neighbourhood showcase their art. Kai-Lee started the Underprivileged Local Youth Project, opening up the cafe to kids dealing with societies biggest challenges but using art to cope and help them along their journey. This project got a lot of airtime on TV, and she was interviewed many times for this.

Block1912 has been known in Edmonton for its dessert and cozy atmosphere, so we created content to make users feel like even through the pandemic, they could feel the cozy warmth of the cafe.

During Christmas, we even suggested making a Christmas Dinner for those who would be spending time alone, or just with their family. And because we had a lot of time, we even helped stain the floor of the old cafe — it looked brand new.

Coming out of the pandemic was like a breath of fresh air for marketing in the food industry. We were finally able to start making interactive content again, and reels were slowly becoming a major need for Instagram.

We held a free coffee event where we handed coffee out on Whyte Ave to get the community back together after a year of struggling away from each other — this performed well online as well as offline.

This was an incredible client to work with on a busy street like Whyte Ave. We learned a lot about the market, the coffee industry and people in general.

Block1912 was an incredible two year client which we helped building from May2020-July2022. We no longer work with them, but wish them all the best!